The brand that is... KDM

The brand that is... KDM

Three letters, one shape.​
The letters KDM come from my own name, 'Khadim'. I was working on my own branding for a while before this spur-of-a-moment came around as I doodled away on a piece of paper. A short and snappy 3 letter brand which stands for nothing but me.

A personal brand, a personal identity, a brand identity.

Cuts & Folds
The symmetry of each of the letters presented a nice idea to play about with cut-outs and shadows, so I got creative. Hopefully I'll upload a video of the making of this if I ever get round to it.

The Edit...
... and the original mind the crappy wallpaper :/
Early version of the KDM Logo
Current Version of the logo, tweaked in 2017.

The new version gives more space between the characters / shapes to give the
logo better visibility from a distance and is often encapsulated in a circle.
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